Our Services NHS Professionals Academy Management and Leadership Courses
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Management and Leadership Courses

In our management and leadership courses, we enable professional development, including management essentials, coaching skills, team development and more. 

We’re proud to support NHS bodies, social care providers and charitable organisations through high-quality training.


  • Delivered by expert educators
  • Interactive and engaging learning methods
  • Practical skills-based training, using academic evidence
  • Over 20 years NHS and healthcare sector experience
  • Off-the-shelf and tailored solutions to meet your needs

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Getting the best from your team is essential for any manager. Certainly, effective management requires different strategies and approaches depending on the situation.

This impactful programme aims to provide a comprehensive toolkit for supervisors, managers and team leaders within the NHS, health and social care.

Who is it for?

Developed for those new to management, but also suitable for those who may have some management experience but have had little or no formal management training. It is also useful for organisations looking to create a clear and consistent management culture.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Adopt the most appropriate management style depending on the requirements of their team
  • Set objectives for individual team members and manage performance through providing clear and consistent feedback
  • Motivate and engage their team by seeking ideas and participation
  • Demonstrate effective time management
  • Delegate appropriately

Learning content:

  • The difference between leadership and management
  • Purpose and expectations of management and associated tasks
  • Setting meaningful objectives – making the expectation clear
  • Time management, motivation and delegation skills
  • Choosing the appropriate management style and behaviour for the situation
  • Delivering feedback – motivational and developmental
  • Managing team meetings
  • The performance cycle
  • Tackling difficult situations and underperformance
  • An introduction to HR process
  • Managing upwards – effective communication with senior managers

Enabling effective communication between team members and managers is the key to developing service excellence and increased capability. Managed well, these conversations can be motivational and develop performance.

Our course covers best practice for appraisal and review meetings, as well as providing tips on how to get the most from conversations.

Who is it for?

Appropriate for managers who need to hold regular appraisal or review conversations with team members.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Prepare for the review discussion and gather examples of achievement and areas for development
  • Build rapport and create a comfortable environment which encourages openness
  • Facilitate conversations that encourage self-assessment
  • Feedback to individuals in a constructive and forward looking way
  • Agree objectives for the next delivery cycle

Learning content:

  • The delivery cycle and the manager’s role
  • The 10-point plan for review and development
  • Structuring the meeting – regular 1:1s, appraisal sessions
  • Questioning techniques to encourage good conversations
  • Setting SMARTER objectives, reviewing these and self-assessment
  • Delivering motivational and developmental feedback, with examples of competencies
  • Remaining emotionally neutral
  • Dealing with underperformance informally
  • The role of discipline and grievance
  • Following up on performance meetings

There are a lot of misconceptions around the perceived world of organisational relationships and politics. Every organisation has a political climate and avoiding it is not an option if your career is to survive and thrive.

In this course, you will be able to truly engage with the world of organisational politics, both constructively and authentically.

Who is it for?

Mid to Senior Leaders.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Define and engage in organisational relationships
  • Map the key elements of organisational relationships and manage the identified activities that will accelerate your career
  • Manage your three-dimensional business network so it helps yield your career objectives
  • Build personal trust within targeted areas of the business that will assist your career objectives

Learning content:

  • Defining organisational relationships
  • Understanding the key components of organisational politics
  • Building trust within your organisation
  • Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people
  • 3-dimensional management and networking
  • Actions, summary and close

Whilst navigating increasing workforce pressures and resource challenges, developing existing teams is fundamental to delivering exceptional service. So, how do you take your people to the next level?

Leaders need to take a more nuanced approach to understanding their teams and individuals. This pragmatic programme will help leaders and managers to reflect on their own style to inspire and develop others.

Who is it for?

Any manager or leader looking to develop their team and performance. Similarly, anyone who wishes to review and enhance their own communication style to create a more inclusive, values-based team environment.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Implement a management style most appropriate to developing teams
  • Communicate more effectively with team members
  • Provide development feedback to team members
  • Present ideas concisely with benefits related to team needs
  • Provide structured coaching to develop individual capability

Learning content:

  • Coaching skills – performance and developmental
  • Developing the 3 “Cs” – capability, confidence, and commitment
  • Dealing with underperformance and conduct issues
  • Leadership and management styles, and flexing your communication style appropriately
  • Meeting facilitation techniques – for team and individual meetings
  • Presenting your ideas with benefits that will appeal to your team
  • Providing motivational and developmental feedback
  • Self-assessment of learning and development needs
  • Setting clear objectives for both learning and effective delegation
  • Understanding your team’s communication preferences – using Insights Discovery® individually tailored management reports

Developing the individuals within your team is an essential management skill and can improve the patient experience. In this course, we equip managers with proven techniques that will develop capability and confidence in your people.

Who is it for?

Managers who wish to develop their coaching style to engage individuals in a more participative manner. It is also suitable for new managers who need to upskill their teams.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Use a range of coaching techniques depending on the needs of the individual
  • Set realistic coaching development objectives
  • Organise and plan coaching sessions
  • Facilitate conversations to help individuals discover and implement answers
  • Observe and provide feedback on performance, identifying further coaching needs

Learning content:

  • Adult learning styles – selecting the most appropriate method for coaching
  • Discovery-based learning, with practice sessions using real-life scenarios
  • The difference between training and coaching
  • Coaching preparation – setting learning objectives and "chunking” your sessions
  • Creating coaching contracts and learning logs  
  • Implementing facilitation and questioning techniques to encourage a universal view
  • Balancing opinions, thoughts and utilising communication styles (verbal and non-verbal)
  • Coaching models including GROW and CLEAR
  • Input and output coaching
  • Observation protocols and feedback sessions
  • Seeking feedback on your coaching style

Tackling difficult or challenging situations can be filled with peril for many NHS managers. Potential conflict means that some shy away or avoid dealing with problems related to behaviour or performance.

However, failure to tackle these situations invariably means that the problem gets worse. Handled well, the conversations can not only resolve issues but also provide a springboard for improved service delivery and team harmony.

Who is it for?

Any manager who experiences difficult situations in the workplace and needs to hold potentially challenging conversations with team members.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Informally manage team and individual issues without resorting to formal procedures
  • Use the most appropriate management style to deal with issues
  • Diagnose the issue and its impact
  • Deliver feedback in a non-judgemental and factual manner
  • Manage emotions and stick to the issues
  • Create personal improvement plans to improve behaviour and delivery

Learning content:

  • Diagnosing the issue – capability or conduct?
  • Choosing the most appropriate management style
  • The importance of language
  • Action centred leadership
  • Delivering feedback using the SNIP method
  • Remaining emotionally neutral – assertiveness without confrontation
  • Developing the PIP (Performance Improvement Plan)
  • Escalating the issues and best practice for managers
  • Practice sessions – role play scenarios to develop skills

This is a thoughtful and culturally transformational programme that will result in senior leaders openly engaging with diversity matters and visibly demonstrating inclusive leadership across the organisation.

Who is it for?

Mid to Senior Leaders.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Better understand and engage with equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Set the appropriate cultural tone that reflects today’s social objectives
  • Develop a personal ideology and create an inclusive environment
  • Create a clear roadmap to embed the desired behavioural change within your organisation

Learning content:

  • Awareness of bias
  • Creating an inclusive environment
  • Cultural intelligence and setting the right tone
  • Humility and effective collaboration
  • Visible commitment
  • Willingness to engage and curiosity about others

Within NHSP, we have the capacity and capability to run a variety of leadership programmes, either as individual sessions, or as part of a wider programme.

Below is an indication of the type of programme that could be delivered and indicative content. This programme could be adapted to meet your system needs and can be extended or reduced as required.

Note days 2-4 can be delivered virtually or in person.

Golden Threads:

  • Patients at the centre of care delivery – improving patient experience
  • Statute – The NHS Long Term Plan, Equality Act (2010), The Care Act (2014), Employment Law, Health and Social Care Act (2012)
  • Self-reflection and feedback

Day 1 - Setting the Direction

Webinar (2 hours): 

Statutory frameworks for leading in the NHS including: 

  • The roles and responsibilities of leaders in the NHS
  • Discussion on the Health and Social Care Act (2012), Equality Act (2010), The Care Act (2014) and Mental Capacity Act (2005)

Workshop/Webinar (3 hours): 

Working with complexity – understanding the implications of the NHS Long Term Plan for localities:

  • Understanding the local delivery model
  • System dynamics enablers and barriers
  • System mapping
  • The role of the leader in managing complexity

Day 2 - Leading Transformational Change

  • Systems leadership and transformational change – reviewing change models and theory and applying these to real scenarios
  • Building the vision and making it real
  • Compassionate leadership – leading change through people
  • Setting the direction and selling the story – compelling communication

Day 3 - Building the System

  • Working with competing priorities - building a win- win situation
  • Breaking down the barriers – organisational, professional, personal
  • Defining accountability in the system
  • Understanding the financial impact of service remodelling and delivery
  • Managing risks and taking risks

Day 4 - Delivering the Service

  • Understanding the patient experience – exploring methods of evaluation to inform improvements
  • Improving services – system working to improve the patient experience
  • Developing quality assurance processes

Day 5 - Developing as a Leader

  • Emerging leadership – what kind of leader do you want to be
  • Building personal resilience – managing personal health and well being


Get in touch

Contact our Academy team today for a consultation to discuss your specific education and training needs.

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