Coaching plays a key role in the development of capability and confidence for individuals and teams within the NHS.
We recognise the benefits of coaching to be:
- Enhances levels of self and team awareness
- Builds confidence, resilience and motivation
- Develops objectives and plans on how to achieve them
- Improved mental health
At NHS Professionals Academy, we appreciate that time is precious and that you may not always have time to travel or hold a face-to-face meeting. We also understand the importance of fully understanding your individual and team needs.
To meet this challenge, NHS Professionals collaborates with Thrive Partners to deliver coaching services. Thrive’s innovative on-line platform provides:
- Easy access through a portal
- Discovery sessions to fully understand the current situation and desired outcomes
- Facilitated coaching for individuals and teams and helps you develop a coaching culture
- Access to over 300 coaches with both public and private sector experience
- An opportunity for you to host internal coaches or coaches from other Trusts or ICSs
- Downloadable reports and dashboards on team or individual coaching progress
We provide coaching services in a number of broad areas including:
- Better Self
- Better Team
- Better Career
- Better Wellbeing
- Better at Home
Find out more
For more information about our coaching provision, download our brochure.