As part of Doctors Direct and NHS Professionals, the Doctors Gateway Programme offers four tailored pathways designed to provide job opportunities for Doctors of all grades and experience levels who wish to gain clinical experience within the UK’s NHS. In addition, our programmes offer safe, structured support to Doctors with refugee status (displaced talent) working at FY2 and above.
Our programmes include three 24-month employment opportunities and a six-month top-up option, all hosted by our NHS partner Trusts. Each programme includes comprehensive continuing professional development (CPD) sessions and holistic pastoral support from our dedicated team. Our programmes are the gateway to permanent employment in the NHS.
Register your interest to join one of our Doctors Gateway Programmes
Applications are accepted year-round, allowing you to start the programme at any time. Once you submit your CV, we will review your application within a few days and our dedicated team will then guide you through the entire process.
Choosing the Doctors Gateway Programme offers numerous benefits for both international medical graduates (IMGs) and the NHS, including:
The Specialist Programme provides senior, high-grade Doctors with structured support to complete their submission of the Portfolio Pathway, previously known as the Certificate of Eligibility of Specialist Registration (CESR). This will be achieved whilst ensuring high-quality specialist training, in partnership with the Royal Colleges.
The Plus Programme allows middle-grade international Doctors (ST3 and above) with world-wide experience to add value and build on their existing experience by working at an appropriate grade to gain new and relevant experience in the NHS.
The EU Programme provides Doctors who have graduated from a European university with structured support to obtain CREST sign off. This will be achieved whilst gaining experience as a Junior Doctor in the NHS by working in clinical roles, equivalent to FY1 or FY2.
The Core Programme provides Doctors working at a level equivalent to FY3, CT1, JCF, and SHO, with a further extension of 12-months of training in their core speciality. This could be upon completion of the EU Programme or if CREST sign off has been obtained elsewhere.
Our team will meticulously review each CV to ensure all required details are included. A member of the team will contact you to request any missing information/ confirm any details, if required. They will ensure your CV is formatted according to NHSP standards, to give you the best possible chance of success.
You will be invited to undertake a pre-Trust interview with senior clinicians. This will enable us to assess your clinical competency to work in the NHS. Depending on the position you are applying for, you may also receive an overview of NHS operations, to familiarise yourself with UK practice.
The MAG coordinator will provide you with your grade following your interview. Your CV will then be forwarded to the Gateway Partner Trust and interviews are scheduled with them.
You will then attend an interview with the Trust, to assess if your skills match those of the available position. Following the interview, you will be informed as to whether you have been successful.
Congratulations! The Doctors Gateway team will work closely with the Trust to confirm your start date. We will provide you with comprehensive support in completing your compliance and paperwork, such as Disclosure Barring Service (DBS, formally known as CRB), and occupational health checks.
Whether you are already residing in-country or arriving to the UK, our team with assist you with your journey into the NHS. We will provide a tailored package of pastoral care and can support you with everything from relocation to settling into your new role.
Register your interest to join one of our Doctors Gateway Programmes
Applications are accepted year-round, allowing you to start the programme at any time. Once you submit your CV, we will review your application within a few days and our dedicated team will then guide you through the entire process.