Bonus payment incentive


  1. Who does the Incentive apply to? 

All Nursing, Midwifery, Theatre Staff


From 15th  December—12th  January work 34.5 hours via NHSP to receive a

Bonus Payment

£170- Nursing/ Band 2-3

£235- Nursing/Band 4

£335- Nursing/Midwifery Band 5+


  1. Do workers have to opt-in or apply for an incentive? 

No, Shifts can be actively booked online 


  1. Is this for ALL Bank staff

Yes, substantive staff, Bank Only & Bank Exclusive


  1. Do all shift types and days count to the incentive/when will I be paid? 

Yes, all shift types/days will count but the total worked hours (Excluding breaks) must reach 34.5 hours as a minimum between:


Wednesday 15th December -12th January 

Shifts to be released by Sunday 16th January

Pay day Friday 28th January


  1. What if I am not registered at the Bank? 

You are able to join by completing the online application, but you MUST ensure that your Manager approves this ASAP and that you provide the correct Right to Work documents online or to the local office. Once these actions are complete it will take 24 hours to be registered. 


  1. What if there are not enough shifts/hours available to qualify for the minimum hours? 

Additional shifts can be worked on alternative wards, including Escalation areas. Under no circumstances MUST Bank only staff be cancelled and replaced for a Substantive worker. 


  1. Shift Cancellations-Not eligible for Bonus 

Will be reviewed at the end of the 4-week incentive period, those cancelling shifts (Not due to covid reasoning) at short notice via NHSP (within 12 hours) will not be eligible for the bonus. (Substantive & bank)


The health and well-being of staff are of utmost importance and we will be monitoring NHSP activity closely to ensure staff is being responsible when booking shifts. It is really important to remember that if you are not well enough to attend work, you must continue to follow the Trust policy to ensure you protect patients and keep your colleagues safe. You should not attend work if you are experiencing symptoms of illness, are becoming unwell, or have not fully recovered from a previous episode of sickness.


If during the incentive period, you are off work due to sickness absence from your substantive post, you must have resumed your usual full range of duties for a period of 2 weeks (i.e. not on a phased return to work) and be both physically and mentally well before booking further shifts via NHSP. The Trust will work closely with NHSP if this is felt to be an issue.


Consideration will obviously be given to those staff members who currently come under the criteria as determined by the Equality Act 2010. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and reasonable adjustments made accordingly.


  1. What if I cancel a shift as alternative employment and re-book in another ward area. 

This will still be classed as a cancellation and something we strongly advise against. Please only book shifts you can commit to working to support reducing cancellations at the trust. 


  1. Are Self Isolation shifts included in the incentive? 

No, self-isolation shifts are not included 


  1. What if an Agency worker wants to join the Bank? 

Agency staff can migrate to the Bank to take advantage of the incentive, they would be able to join via the Bank Exclusive process. However, they/we MUST give 4 weeks notice to their Agency in writing. Once they have worked on the bank they cannot work at SO via the agency in the future. 


  1. Will I be taxed? 

Yes, all shifts worked including the bonus payment will be subject to Tax. Payment will be received alongside any other shifts released for the same pay date. 

Payslips may not show if you are expecting to receive the bonus payment only on 28th January however you can access your bonus by signing up to the MY SBS app where payslips will show.


  1. What if I don’t receive a bonus on 28th January?

You can contact the team at to raise a query. If there has been an error or a review is undertaken, any payments will be rectified for a later payment date.


*We have found over the past 4 incentives staff missing out due to timesheet errors or non-standard shifts not amounting to the required amount, please double check your own hours and ensure before the date you have achieved the requirement*


  1. Which areas are included within the Incentive? 

All Inpatient areas require Nursing, Midwifery, Theatre staff.

Only bank members working in the above role capacity will have access to this incentive and all staff could be asked to be moved to support safe staffing during the incentive periods.  


*Please be advised Health care assistants/Registered nurses being booked to work administrative or Training shifts the incentive will not apply*

