Fuel disruption

We appreciate the concerns you may have with the disruption seen to Petrol Filling Stations across the region and the potential impact this may have on you both personally and in relation to service delivery across the Trust.

The current disruption is due to the sudden increase in people buying fuel and not a shortage of fuel within the United Kingdom.

This is anticipated to be a short-term issue and business continuity within the Trust is stable.

Until this situation is resolved, please:

  • Escalate any difficulties you have getting to work through your normal reporting routes.
  • Remember to use public transport, cycling or walking to work where this is possible.
  • If you are considering car sharing between staff, ensure that this is carefully risk assessed. Car sharing risks COVID-19 transmission; however, we need to balance the risk with being able to provide care to those that need it. Information on car sharing is available in the IPC COVID-19 Manual on page 25. A risk assessment is attached.

If you would like more information or raise any concerns, please contact the Incident Control Centre on 01603 421257.
